Root canal, root tip resection

Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment is the last measure before tooth extraction to save a dead tooth. It is an intermediate solution used by dentists when the tooth socket dies due to caries or an accident.
An inflamed tooth can be the source of many other organ diseases: an inflammatory process can spread from the tooth area to the whole body and cause painful, unpleasant symptoms. Root canal treatment may also be necessary if the tooth is free of symptoms, but has so much decay that it reaches the pulp chamber when the tooth is cleaned.
The steps of root canal treatment
The treatment is carried out in one or more sessions - depending on the level of infection in the tooth - under local anaesthesia. During the treatment, the surface of the tooth is exposed, the old filling extracted, the nerves of the inflamed tooth removed and the canals cleaned. If the tooth has been infected an antiseptic (calcium hydroxide) is placed in the canals. A temporary filling is needed between two treatments to prevent further infection of the tooth beyond the oral cavity.
Important to know:
- Teeth undergoing root canal treatment fracture easily. If the temporary filling falls out, please contact your doctor as soon as possible, as a new temporary filling will need to be placed!
- In rare cases, inflammation (nodule) may develop around the root canal a few years later.
- If the root canal cannot be prepared properly, resection of the tooth or removal of the tooth may be an option. This is a mutual decision between the patient and the dentist.
A guarantee can only be claimed if the root canal has been prepared incorrectly or if a hidden, untreated canal is the cause of the symptoms. The guarantee only applies to the root canal filling.

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- When caries reaches the dental canal, inflammation develops in the tooth socket which can cause severe, sharp pain. It may be caused by caries, periodontal conditions, traumatic bites, chemical agents, dental procedures (during the preparation of dental prostheses, etc.).
- The pain is mostly triggered by hot food and drink and is slightly relieved by cold. In many cases, tooth decay is painless or asymptomatic. A typical symptom is pain at night.
- In the case of dental caries with facial swelling.
- In the re-treatment of an incorrectly root canal treated tooth.
- Inflammation around the apex of old root canal teeth.
- In various periodontal (periodontal bed) conditions in infected gum pockets, infected from the root apex and resulting in inflamed or dead teeth.
Root-end resection is a method of tooth preservation. During the operation, the infected root canal part of the root-filled tooth is removed by the dentist and the surrounding area is cleaned. The procedure can only be performed on root canal treated teeth. The affected area may swell slightly after the procedure, this is a natural reaction of the body. 1-2 days rest may be justified in such cases. In addition, it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene and brush your teeth more than usual.
How can I avoid surgery?
If the root canal treatment is carried out under sterile conditions, the root canal is fully compliant with professional standards, the symptoms are clearly resolved and the lesion is reduced on control x-rays, surgery is not necessary.
How much does the treatment cost?
You can find the treatment costs in the price list.
Our dentist will try to take care of you with as little discomfort as possible. Before the anaesthetic injection, a numbing gel is applied to the injection site to minimise the pain caused by the anaesthetic injection. Our patient will feel no further pain.

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If the root canal treatment is carried out under sterile conditions, the root canal is fully compliant with professional standards, the symptoms are clearly resolved and the lesion is reduced on control x-rays, surgery is not necessary.